(Politics) A Note from Joobin Bekhrad, Our Guest Editor

Hello! It’s a pleasure and honour to be serving as the Guest Editor of the Columbia Journal from now until the presidential elections in early November. I’m incredibly thankful to the Journal’s fabulous team for having had me in mind for the gig, and am positive that – despite the rather apocalyptic discourses surrounding the idea of either Clinton or Trump becoming the next American President – you and I are going to have tons of fun together. Admittedly, this might not be the most appropriate place for Reorient’s ‘sex, drugs, and gol-o-bolbol’ ethos (look that one up!), but I solemnly swear to keep this joint a’rocking nonetheless.

Anyway, enough about me – you of course want to know how you can be a part of this smashing journal and its election feature. Well, to put things briefly (for once) – fire away! We want to read your prose, poetry, flash fiction, essays, and, well … anything interesting you can put into words. We want to groove to your music, dig your artwork, watch your films, and turn our readers on to them as well.

Yes, this election feature is, as the name suggests, about the election. However, do keep in mind that our focus is on the arts – visual art and literature, first and foremost – and that we are not in the business of reporting news or publishing statistics and analyses. That would be too easy; and besides, we’re simply too cool for that.

So … to submit your work and find out about the type of files we won’t mind opening, click here. We’ll be accepting submissions (as hard as it is not to follow my example and go off on an epic tangent, please keep all written ones under 5,000 words) until November 6th, so you have plenty of time to dig deep into those magic bags of yours and pull out the good stuff.

Here we go!

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