ART – 5 Paintings by Ernest Williamson III

Delving Into Her Cra
Delving Into Her Craft

After a nervous breakdown at the age of 18, my interest in art rapidly increased. I have been painting professionally for over 20 years now. Art pursued me, so I am a slave to the creative process in all of its forms.


Between Jazz The Blues 004
Between Jazz The Blues 004


Engendering Gender
Engendering Gender

The works submitted in this series explore the dissonance and continuity of beauty and tension; of comprehension and confusion; of process and stagnation. The artist is constantly creating and destroying notions, ideas, concepts, and conventions for the sake of spiritual survival and artistic revival. Art imitates life, and my work is an attempt to show the beauty of life in all of its grandeur. I would encourage people to embrace art wholeheartedly for the sake of civility and a more peaceful existence.


No Clowns in Harlem
No Clowns in Harlem


The Beauty of Indecisions
The Beauty of Indecisions

Dr. Ernest Williamson III has published creative work in over 600 journals. Professor Williamson has published poetry in over 200 journals, including The Oklahoma Review, Review Americana: A Creative Writing Journal, Pamplemousse, formerly known as The Gihon River Review, and The Copperfield Review. Some of his visual artwork has appeared in journals such as The Columbia Review, The GW Review, New England Review; and The Tulane Review. He has published articles on comparative education in the academic journal Academic Exchange Extra (University of Northern Colorado),and his research has been cited in journals such as The Urban Review and The Public Purpose(American University). Many of his creative works have been published in journals representing over 75 colleges and universities around the world; Williamson is an Assistant Professor of English at Allen University and his poetry has been nominated three times for the Best of the Net Anthology. Williamson holds a B.A. and an M.A. in English/Creative Writing/Literature from the University of Memphis, a PhD in Higher Education Leadership, Management, & Policy from Seton Hall University, and a certificate from Harvard University’s Graduate School of Education.

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