ART – 7 Paintings by Hilary Robin McCarthy



I try to capture the beauty and mystery of nature in my work. My paintings lately have been about the ocean and the serenity I find there. Figures emerging out of the sea, swimming, floating, sometimes hiding than resurfacing. The way light hits the water and glistens blurs,sparkles, creates new colors.


Sleeping Swan




In Bedlam Spring


The escape from the “real world” of land —the tranquil environment makes for it’s own type of therapy. Painting for me is a therapy and an escape in itself  so in this new series I combine my two escapes. I try for a sensual quality in my work—trying to evoke  sensations- the salt air, fresh water, bare skin, the cold then warm of sun and wate


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Hilary Robin McCarthy holds a BFA in painting from Hartford Art School and and MFA in fine art. She is currently at Columbia getting a BA in Art History. She recently worked as an assistant for artist Jeff Koons. And did an an artist residency in Puglia, Italy and Leipzig, Germany.

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