ART – Illustrations by Nihilechoanists


"Pool of freedom"
“Pool of freedom”

Art by Smetanenko

These illustrations explore the somehow lost connection to our inner selves and universal binding of all things.


Art by Smetanenko


When distracting noise of modern day society ceases, silence and sharpened internal vision reveal our belonging to the most natural of things.

Art by Smetanenko


Nihilechoanists is a multidisciplinary artist, from Kyiv, Ukraine, currently studying Fine Arts (BA) in The Netherlands. Everything started at the age of 7. Nihilechoanists read Ukrainian stories about endless sunflower fields, which inspired to write her own fairy tales. She has been writing prose and poetry since. Prose regarding recent Maidan events has been published in “Rising for Freedom and Democracy in Ukraine” book by Brine Books Publishing. Fresh poems deal with artist’s newly discovered interest in neuroscience.

Nihilechoanists works in different mediums: “I like the float between all of them, where every skill is like having enough fingers”. Photography branches out into vision oriented works (staged/ documentary) and playing with the medium itself (photomashes). Layers of editing and attention to detail, bouncing of photography, lead to Illustrations. Concise and back-ground free, they lure the viewer with their intense details. Photographic works of Nihilechoanists have been published in several international online magazines.

Lives and works in Groningen, The Netherlands.

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