Art by Robert R. Thurman: June Is A Migraine Above The Eyes

June Is A Migraine Above The Eyes 1
June Is A Migraine Above The Eyes 1

Most of my paintings deal with pain whether it be emotional, physical, or mental. Inspiration comes from my own experiences and through watching and listening to other people.

June Is A Migraine Above The Eyes 2
June Is A Migraine Above The Eyes 2

I try to give that pain a shape and form a visual recognition; to communicate the personal and cultural dynamics which condition how we view ourselves and others as well as how our individual experiences condition such perception. These particular works were inspired by Charles Wright’s poem “Apologia pro Vita Sua, III” from Black Zodiac which begins “June is a migraine above the eyes…” hence the title of the series.

June Is A Migraine Above The Eyes 3
June Is A Migraine Above The Eyes 3

Robert R. Thurman is an artist whose work has appeared in such publications as Ars Medica: A Journal of Medicine the Arts and Humanities, Rune: The MIT Journal of Arts and Letters, 3:AM Magazine, The Southern Quarterly, After Hours: A Journal Of Chicago Writing and Art, Western Humanities Review and Exquisite Corpse.

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