Art by Samm Cohen: Demensional Emotions

Compact Changing
Compact Changing

As a young girl, I began to make art as many did, a way to express things that really couldn’t be said.

Questioning Remote Indifference
Questioning Remote Indifference

Over three decades and over 30 exhibitions, my work has evolved and recessed and explored mostly though emotions in forms of strong color and line. Here I utilize a mixing of physical materials and paints, as well as a mix of dissimilar concepts and sources into newer technology.

Est Aujourdhui Black Friday
Est Aujourdhui Black Friday

I was raised by a mathematician who worked on computers regularly and valued logic and scientific thinking. The age of computers was dawning and he worked tirelessly programming. I was writing programs at age 8, when Basic was my medium, and often felt torn between answer finding and exploration. Now our world is so much more entrenched in computerized items and commercial values that it is hard to pry away a cell phone or discern ads from news. Even much of our contemporary art seems to have lost its emotion base, seems as distant as the zombie-eyed drones I see on the subway cars.

Exquistite Corpse
Exquistite Corpse

These works speak to that, call out for attention in three dimensional virulence, need to be seen and heard, in order to stop us for just a moment from our glazed over automation.

Ink Cues
Ink Cues

Samm Cohen, born in New York, has been making intense passionate artwork since before she could write.  With painting and photography regularly used in her family as a communication of individual perspective and style, Samm has been studying and modifying her expression for over 30 years.  Within this, Samm has also studied psychology from many angles and also pushed her voice through poetry.  She has expanded to digital, video, sculpture, and jewelry, though of course Samm still paints and photographs.  Whatever feels right and seems pertinent to the message being aesthetically conveyed.  Color and line are filled with ardor and pushed across the surface with explosive emotion.  The raw and honest quality of the work shows her devotion to her art and the messages being conveyed.  Samm has shown in over 30 various art exhibitions, mostly in the New York area, in both a solo and a group capacity, and has published and been interviewed for a number of different journals.

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