Changing of the Guards: 2014

Comment by E.B. Bartels

Well, that was it, kids.

I just posted my last post as the 2013-2014 Online Content Editor.

It has been a wild and exciting year getting Catch & Release off the ground. I am honored to be one of the site’s co-founders, and I absolutely could not have done it without several brilliant people.

First, and most importantly, a huge thank you is due to DAVID SALINAS, Columbia: A Journal’s 2013-2014 Web Editor who built Catch & Release himself, maintained it, fixed bugs and design issues, patiently responded to my constant emails, and had my back all year. Everyone who reads this site (and especially those who have been published on it) should thank him personally. Catch & Release would not exist without this man. Salinas, I owe you several million drinks.

Second, thank you to Columbia: A Journal’s 2013-2014 Managing Editor, LAURA STANDLEY, and the 2013-2014 Editor-in-Chief, ANGELICA BAKER, for their vision of Catch & Release and encouragement and effort in making this idea a reality.

Third, thank you to ALL OF THE CONTRIBUTORS who submitted their work and took a risk on a new literary site. Your excitement, enthusiasm, and fantastic writing and art made Catch & Release what it is.

And last, thank you to the faculty advisors of Columbia: A Journal ALAN ZIEGLER, BEN MARCUS, BILL WADSWORTH, HEIDI JULAVITS, and SAM LIPSYTE — for their support and faith in letting us try out this pet project that turned into something pretty awesome.

But don’t worry, we are leaving you in good hands.

Next year, there will not just be one lonely Online Content Editor but a whole Online Team! I am proud to introduce them:

The 2014-2015 Online Team of Columbia: A Journal:
, Online Content Editor
— SELIN GÖKÇESU, Online Nonfiction Editor
— ELINA MISHURIS, Online Fiction Editor
— ELIJAH BEAN, Online Poetry Editor

You can contact all of them at catchandreleasesubmissions [at] gmail [dot] com. Keep submitting!

I can’t wait to see how Catch & Release continues to evolve next year.

Thanks again for everything.


E.B. Bartels
2013-2014 Online Content Editor of Columbia: A Journal of Literature and Art
Co-Founder of Catch & Release

E.B. Bartels is almost done with her MFA in nonfiction writing from Columbia University’s School of the Arts. She was the 2013-2014 Online Content Editor for the Columbia: A Journal of Literature and Art literary blog, Catch & Release. You can read her writing at, tweets at @eb_bartels, and visit her website at

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