Fancying Myself as a Decorative Emission: An Interview with Willard Klein

Willard Klein JensenWillard Klein JensenWillard Klein Jensen

Willard Klein MX GalleryWillard Klein MX GalleryJensen Willard KleinJensen Willard KleinWillard Klein JensenJensen Willard Klein


All media courtesy the artist.

About the author

Gabrielle Jensen (b.1992) is a writer and a wary arts-adjacent conduit currently based in New York. In 2018, she happily dropped out of the MFA in Curating Program at Goldsmiths, University of London, and in 2015 received her Bachelor’s in art theory from the Gallatin School of Individualized Study at New York University. She has organized exhibitions at various venues in New York and London, and is currently undertaking independent research concerning algorithmic governance and the future of childhood(s).

Willard Klein (b. 1992) received his BFA from the School of the Arts Institute of Chicago in 2014. His work has been exhibited in New York and Chicago at the long-running artist space Julius Caesar. Klein lives and works in New York.

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