EVOLVE Special Issue:
Winners and
Honorable Mentions

As writers, we welcome change. New insights and perspectives broaden the worlds we create and the issues we explore. New people inspire the characters of our prose and poetry. New places challenge the environments our characters can live in, and the directions we can take as artists.

For this themed feature of the Columbia Journal, we’re presenting the works of 1 poet, 2 fiction writers, and one essayist who tackle evolutions both personal and global.

Enjoy these profound pieces by Matthew Meade, Carla Myers, Tolu Oloruntoba, and J.T. Townley as they bring a unique voice to our evolution as writers and people.

Much love,
Erica Stisser (Online Managing Editor)

In This Feature

Señor Búho by J.T. Townley
Marshmallows and Wood-Ear Mushrooms by Carla Myers
Sunshowers by Matthew Meade
Coda by Tolu Oloruntoba

Columbia Journal wishes to commend these writers on their outstanding work with an Honorable Mention:

Richard Brostoff (poetry)
Charlie Keyheart (fiction)
Jim Ross (nonfiction)
S. B. Vaughan (poetry)

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