Hierarchy and Harmony of All Elements

Slovenian artist Meta Grgurevič studies and constructs kinetic systems that create movement, light effects, and illusions. She collaborates with mechanical and electrical engineering experts, musicians and performers, to present perfectly operating mechanisms that act as metaphors for utopian exchange systems. In her pieces, kinetic movements and moving bodies grow into a dynamic choreography, harmony evolves into musical composition, and phrases transform into lyrics and visual poetry. (Photo credit for featured image of Grgurevič at work: Tjaša Gnezda)

SILENZIO_eternal loopholes and braided lines is a kinetic sculpture that plays with the perception of “silence.” The movement of the sculpture is extended through performance: gesture, sound, and spoken word. These elements coexist and form a state of perception in the viewers and performers. Curated by Michele Drascek.

Meta Grgurevič
32nd Biennial of Graphic Arts: Birth as Criterion / Photo Credit: Rosa Lux
Meta Grgurevič
32nd Biennial of Graphic Arts: Birth as Criterion / Photo Credit: Tjaša Gnezda

Galanterie Mécanique created by Meta Grgurevič and Urša Vidic, this project brings together kinetic objects, video, performance and music to question the relationship between man and machine, and humans in wider social relationships. The project, like a symphony, aims to create harmony from constituent parts. A new working system is formed; while independent to a certain extent, it needs the participation of all components, both organic and mechanical, in order to function.

Lightening Guerrilla Festival and U3 – 7Th Triennial Of Contemporary Art, Škuc Gallery / Ljubljana, 2013 / Photo Credit: DK
Lightening Guerrilla Festival and U3 – 7Th Triennial Of Contemporary Art, Škuc Gallery / Ljubljana, 2013 / Photo Credit: DK

TIME KEEPERS is a handmade hourglass mounted in a brass construction, seen reflected in a concave mirror which flips the image, causing the grains of sand to appear as though they are drifting upwards, defying the laws of gravity. An electric drive automatically turns the hourglass around when the sand has run out. By collaborating with scientists, Grgurevič examines how laws of physics—time, gravity, light—operate, and how, and if, they can be in flux.

Marignoli Collection, The Marignoli Montecorona Foundation (Spoleto, Italy)

Meta Grgurevič
31st Biennial of Graphic Arts / Ljubljana, Slovenija / Photo Credit: Jaka Babnik
31st Biennial of Graphic Arts / Ljubljana, Slovenija / Photo Credit: Joschi Herczeg

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