A Mistranslation of Dante’s Inferno, by Eric Shoemaker

amidst walk our life
I discovered myself through a dark wood
for the True path was lost

when to speak is hard
full trees strong dense unquantifiable
renew thought renews my fear

little more bitter death
but to try the good out I search
I speak of other things seen

Robert Eric Shoemaker is a poet-playwright, theatre artist, and arts journalist. Eric is an MFA Candidate in Naropa University’s Creative Writing & Poetics program at the Jack Kerouac School of Disembodied Poetics. His poetry and plays have been featured in Mosaic at University of California Riverside, “Tooth N’ Nail”, Rollick Magazine, “Literature Emitting Diodes”, The Chicago After Dark Anthology, Thought Notebook, Baseball Bard, 2017’s “Verde Que Te Quiero Verde” from Open Country Press, and his debut collection “30 Days Dry” from Thought Collection Publishing. Eric’s second book of poetry is forthcoming from In Extenso Press, with a third on the way through Partial Press, both expected in 2017.

Eric is a graduate with honors and a student marshal from the University of Chicago, where he was Artistic Director of the Classical Entertainment Society.

Follow his work at reshoemaker.com.

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