ART – Photo-Collage Poems by Nance Van Winckel 


From a series of digital photo-collage pieces entitled BOOK OF NO LEDGE. In my dialogue with this encyclopedia (circa 1947), I attempt to marry a bit of poetry with the know-it-all simplifier of the universe, voice. Besides altering the text, I often add other graphic bits and refine to my own purposes all that had been in the vast before.

Image Credit: Nance Van Winckel 

Image Credit: Nance Van Winckel 

Image Credit: Nance Van Winckel 

Image Credit: Nance Van Winckel 

Image Credit: Nance Van Winckel 

Nance Van Winckel’s text-based collage work has appeared in Handsome Journal, The Cincinnati Review, Em, Dark Sky, Diode, Ilk, Western Humanities Review, and other journals. Excerpts from a forthcoming collage novel recently appeared in the The Kenyon Review Online. She has had visual work in galleries, juried and solo shows, and museums. Her sixth collection of poems is PACIFIC WALKERS (U. of Washington Press, 2013); a fourth book of linked stories, BONELAND, was recently published by U. of Oklahoma Press. She teaches in the MFA in Writing Program at Vermont College of Fine Arts.

See more of her work here.

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