Self-Portrait in Winter

Sun a thin-red lip,

dim through slit in chthonic


cavity, each berry

and branch unburied—


a relic, ossified artifact

of earth’s symmetry.


She slouches, shoulders

pitched, tongue static as a bell


without breeze. In this myth

Persephone molds magpie


from mandible, thrush

from tibia, hummingbirds:


knots in nerves twisted

at varying degrees.


In between her tooth

and cheek: a single


pomegranate seed.


Photo Credit: Max Pixel via Creative Commons

About the author

Cass Garison currently lives in Lancaster, Pennsylvania and studied English and Classical Languages. Cass has work published or forthcoming in River Styx, Nimrod International, The Penny Dreadful, Third Point Press, and others and is currently a Poetry Reader for the Adroit Journal.

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