Translation by Mark Lager: Moon Song by Raoul Ponchon

Moon Song

Dead moon white iron moon
Moon which freezes new herring
Moon eye of a whiting fried and frizzled

Empty moon white blade moon
Glass moon new herring
Moon eye of a whiting deep fried

Worn out moon tinpot moon
Moon a round of drinks new cop
Moon eye of a criminal we’ve had it


La Chanson de la Lune

Lune morte, lune en fer blanc,
Lune qui glace, hareng nouveau,
Lune, œil de merlan frit à frire.


Mark Lager is from St. Louis, Missouri and earned a B.A. in English and a B.A. in Philosophy/Religion from Truman State University. He is currently pursuing his MFA in Creative Writing at the Arkansas Writers MFA Workshop. His poem “Pocahontas, Arkansas: June 2, 2001” was published in issue 99 (spring 2015) of Chiron Review.

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