Translations by Maximiliane Donicht: Georg Trakl

Radical Translation of Georg Trakl’s “An den Knaben Elis”

by Maximiliane Donicht

Updated 8/28/2016


To the Boy Elis

After Georg Trakl


Blackbird, your forest is falling

into her cool lips,

drinker of stone.


Blank spaces, empty,

are bleeding

into your flight.


But blue steps softly at night,

whose full rotation depends on purple grapes

and their poor revolution.


Blackbird, your gaze

polishes our daggers, our fins,

how long, Blackbird, have you been?


Your body is a waxen

nun, dipping

her dewy finger in our silence.


Let us enter you softly as an animal

enters a temple or an eye.

Lower yourself, slowly,


as ire drips from the stars, expiring.


Maximiliane Donicht is from Munich, Germany. She once worked as a pastry chef in France and now practices classical Japanese swordsmanship in New York. She earned her BFA in Comparative Literature and the Creative Arts with a minor in Psychology at the American University of Paris before joining Columbia’s MFA program for Poetry and Literary Translation, from which she is due to graduate in May 2016. Her poetry has appeared in Bone Bouquet and several issues of the American University of Paris’ literary journal Paris/Atlantic.

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