What You’re Really Looking for Are Some Blessings That Touch You

Ants announce spring from the corners of the house,

their neat swarms quiet and inevitable.


The bleeding heart is back, no thanks to me.

Its blossoms bend their vine:

a collarbone’s grace.

With each day, the pink fades.


Despite everything, we are not yet saved.


I am disappointed when I realize

the tapping on the window isn’t rain         but moths.


To pass the time, I browse engagement rings—an endless scroll.

It helps to want something obtainable.


This is me    on my knees       in a parking lot

trying to lure a stray cat out from under a car

and a girl from the bar saying Leave it.

You aren’t doing it any favors.


Photo Credit: pxhere via Creative Commons

About the author

Natalie Homer is the author of the chapbook Attic of the Skull (dancing girl press). Her poetry has been published or is forthcoming in The Journal, Blue Earth Review, The Pinch, The Lascaux Review, Ruminate, Salamander, and others. She earned an MFA from West Virginia University and lives in southwestern Pennsylvania.

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